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X4: Foundations
X Rebirth VR
X Rebirth
X³: Albion Prelude
X³: Terran Conflict
X³: Reunion
X²: The Threat
X: BtF

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The Human Race had advanced to the point where we could travel among the stars, we developed giant automated machines to help us colonise other worlds, but there was a fault in their programming and they turned and attacked. Forcing us to lay a trap to protect Earth and exiling the Human race to stay on Earth once again.
500 Years later Kyle Brennan starts his journey by piloting an experimental ship equipped with a new piece of technology allowing it to cross vast distances on its own. However it malfunctions and traps him in a group of sectors inhabited by Aliens, hunted and with no way home, this is his story of survival... Beyond the Frontier...


X: Beyond The Frontier is the first part in the X-Universe series of games developed by Egosoft.
It tells the story of mankind's rise and fall in the universe, and the attempt by Kyle Brennan to help repopulate the stars using a new ship called the Experimental Shuttle, and how he became trapped in a closed group of sectors linked by a series of jumpgates, owing credits to an alien for helping to save him, and hunted by several people. Unknowingly, a group of secret service people are after him, a group who have tried to hide their races secret, that they are the descendants of a group of Humans who saved earth from the Terraformer fleet they created to help colonise the universe.

Now with the Truth coming out, X: Beyond the Frontier allows the player to play as Kyle Brennan on his hunt to find a way home, whilst helping a group of people find the truth about their ancestry, and continue to help save earth from the Terraformers who are now known as the Xenon.

Trade in over 50 sectors, with over 50 different goods, upgrade you ships with dozens of upgrades available to you by 5 different races.

Find the location of the hostile pirates and survive against attacks by the Xenon.

Construct stations to build your own production empire.

Adapt your trading empire to suit the needs of each sectors local economy.

"The game has an almost hypnotic effect at times, perfectly in tune with the pace of the game."

"...an interesting non-linear storyline, lots of great visuals, and interesting gizmos to upgrade your ship ...."
Adrenaline Vault

"...If you miss the days of Elite and Privateer, then chances are you'll love X - Beyond the Frontier..."


28.Mar.25 X4 estará na Triple-i Initiative no dia 10 de abril!
Estamos felizes em compartilhar que mostraremos um pouco mais sobre o que vem por aí no X4 durante a mostra da Triple-I Initiative dia 10 de abril às 14:00 no horário de Brasília - 18:00 CEST / 09:00 PDT....

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26.Mar.25 O Beta Público 7.60 de X4: Foundations começa agora!
Acabamos de lançar o Beta Público 7.60 para X4: Foundations e convidamos você a participar! Esta é uma atualização puramente técnica com foco principalmente em melhorias no gerenciamento de memória de vídeo, mas também incluindo várias correções de bugs para melhorar a estabilidade e o desempenho geral. Não há novos recursos de jogabilidade nesta atualização - nosso principal objetivo com o 7.60 é refinar e otimizar sua experiência de jogo....

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25.Feb.25 FAQ for the Flight Model Update
Dear X4 players, The long wait is over - the Flight Model Update (7.50) is now available! We want to thank everyone who participated in the beta, provided valuable feedback, and helped us identify and fix various issues. You have truly helped us a lot....

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20.Feb.25 X4: Pacote Hyperion e Atualização do Modelo de Voo - Uma Nova Era se Inicia!
Pilotos, a espera acabou! Hoje temos outro marco importante para X4: Foundations com o lançamento de: 🚀 Atualização do Modelo de Voo - Uma revisão completa da dinâmica de voo da nave, tornando cada manobra mais suave, mais responsiva e mais envolvente do que nunca. 🚀 X4: Hyperion Pack - Um novo DLC que apresenta a lendária nave expedicionária Hyperion, um novo início de jogo, um novo setor e muito mais....

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30.Jan.25 Revelando o X4: Pacote Hyperion - Chegando no Primeiro Trimestre
Se você viu nosso cartão de Natal e o roteiro para o futuro de curto a médio prazo do X4: Foundations, então você já deve ter uma boa ideia do novo conteúdo que chegará para o X4 neste trimestre. Mas agora, é hora de oficializar tudo e acabar com o suspense!...

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